We're making our service prices easier to understand!
We've updated our Service Price list in our store. As usual, when we change something in the store regarding our prices, we are adding them to the website's blog.
Diagnosis £14.99
Diagnosis Including Full Strip £24.99
Re-System/Virus Removal £46.00
Antivirus Software From £24.99
Data Copy From £10.99
Data Retrieval From £40.00
Program Installation From £10.00
Full Speed Up Service £39.99
Screen Replacement From £65.00
Socket Repair From £69.99
All Second-Hand Machines up to £150 have 1 Months Warranty, any machines above that have 3 Months
The reason for the change in service is because we've had an increasing number of customers confused about data retrieval costs. Before it stated that Data Retrieval started from £10, but we've split that up to cover Data Copy and Data Recovery.
Data Copying covers only transferring of data from one working device to another, and that service will start from £10 and increase depending on the amount of data and time taken to copy.
Data Retrieval covers recovering data from a non-working device, such as a laptop that will no turn on, to a hard drive that will no longer read. The reason that this is more expensive is due to the fact that recovering data is a long, time consuming task and could potentially put our systems at risk. There is also no guarantee that recovery will be 100% successful.
We offer backup services whenever a customer brings a system for work. We understand that your data, your photos, music, videos, and documents are very important. We urge that customers have their computers serviced at least once a year.