Remote support
Remote IT Support Having trouble with your computer or laptop and can’t get to us, Ring 01709 701200 to arrange a one-to-one support...

Christmas gaming special sale (Free 1-year antivirus)
Christmas gaming special sale! Free year of BullGuard protection with any gaming computer purchased in-store, prices from £300 upwards!...

Marvo Blackfriday sale
Want to upgrade your gaming experience in time for Christmas? Want to become a streamer/YouTuber before NY? Or simply help your child get...

Christmas Gaming sales
Due to both christmas and Covid, there is a high demand and limited supply on most gaming parts, particularly the graphics card with few...

high end laptops @pcpartx From £189-£549
ERAZER P6689 - MD 60968 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Gaming laptop Intel Core i5 - 8250U 8GB RAM Windows 10 £569.00 Manufacturer refurbished...

Pc-Part X is back on Instagram!
Last month we have recently made our Instagram account active to keep people updated on whats happening with the moving which we put on...

Booking in fee/ Diagnostic - £15.00 Diagnostic including full strip - £25.00 Re-system/ virus removal/ service - £46.00 Data copy from -...

We are moving upwards and sideways in the next couple of Month’s. This is the first steps
Pc-Part X Moving? Don'y worry! We are only moving sideways and our workshop is moving upstairs But first thing first is building the wall...

The dangers of using free antivirus
How Can Free Antivirus Software End Up Costing You? free antivirus software doesn’t provide the overall protection you need against...

high end laptops @pcpartx From £189-£569
ERAZER P6689-MD60968 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Gaming Laptop Intel Core i5-8250U 8GB RAM 1TB HDD Windows 10 £569.00 Manufacturer...