MON - FRI - 9:00AM - 5:00PM
SAT - 9:00 - 2:00
UpDate we are now open on a one in one out basis please wear a mask where possible.
If we have a customer in the shop please respect this and make an orderly queue keeping to the covid 19 Guidelines.
We are absolutely aware that your computer is important to you, but to some, your computer is your essential lifeline to the outside world. Without it, you cannot order food online, you cannot order your prescriptions etc.
Some of our customers are from the farming community – they rely on their computers to run their milking parlours, keep up with government rules on animal movement or even simply to order feed – we also have a lot of teachers doctors and we look after Bramley dentist and Wickersley dentist we must support these customers who in turn put food on everyone’s table and look after the education for our children and our health
“Key Services” – We have had confirmation from Rotherham council that we can still open for business until further notice, the shop itself is now open. We are following government guides as to sanitation of goods.
Please bear with us in this difficult time as we flex our business to best support you, our customers and friends.
Finally, please take care of yourself.
Paul, Marie and Scott
SHOP NUMBER: 01709 701200 / 730892
Shop Email: sales@pc-partx.co.uk
Facebook message also recommended
Reduced opening hour
Monday,Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 till 5:00
Saturday 9:00 till 2:00
Wednesday and Sunday Closed.